Sunday, 3 June 2012

Al Gore : the man wo almost saved the world

The only places one seems to find heroes these days are in comic books and action movies.

We tend to bitch and moan about the happenings in the world but when someone actually takes the initiative to do something about it; he gets little to no attention.  Ok, that’s an over exaggeration. They get publicity for a while, the odd appearance on a talk show and maybe write a book about his gripe with what is going on in the world. (I say “he” because it’s quicker to type. No sexist connotations here. Damn it, you know what I mean!)
We have had our Churchill’s, Ghandi’s, Mandela etc but the unsung hero of this story is Al Gore; the bridesmaid of all bridesmaids. The 45th vice president of the United States who was succeeded b a guy named dick had to settle for a job as author and activist.  In my opinion he would have made a very good bride if the groom (being the State Florida) weren’t a bunch of blithering idiots. Bush went on to become president and managed to screw America all on his lonesome. No hate for the US but is hindsight not a wonderful thing? He won the popular election in 2000 for heaven’s sake. Get a fucking clue!
 With the advent of the bush administration America has lost its trade centres and gone to war because of a beef with the middle-east for no real reason.  In this case it’s better the devil you don’t know than the idiot you do. Whether the world wants to believe it or not; the whole world changes along with the change of leaderships in the states. They have their fingers in everyone’s pie and it seems to work out for the better if your country is in good standing with the so called land of milk and honey. Not that all the other countries in the world are the US bitches but come on, coming from a 3rd world country you know you are hooked up when uncle Sam has got your back.  
 Gore informed the world of the real threat of global warming with his DVD and talks all over the world which makes one wonder how good of a president he would have made. He is indeed a very smart man and I hope he runs for US commander in chief again. As for Obama, black people have had their time in the sun with regards to presidency and that will never happen again. Next time around let’s hope that US has learnt from its constant blunders and vote like people who actually have half a brain. That’s all folks!

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